The Enthralling Realms: The Blacksmith's Revenge Free Download

The Enthralling Realms: The Blacksmith's Revenge Free Download:
In a remote village, there lived a renowned blacksmith named Morus. He taught all of his skills to his beloved daughter, Ara. One night, the dragon king Eondrir emerged from his lair for the first time in millennia. Eondrir had been awakened by the power of Darksoul, an evil being intent on conquering the Enthralling Realms.
On Darksoul's command, Eondrir led a host of monsters to destroy the village. As the village defenders fell, Morus himself took up his best weapons and attempted to defeat Eondrir. However, his efforts were in vain.
With his dying breath, Morus instructed Ara to find his old friend, a master blacksmith named Kaven, and tell him about the dragon king's assault.
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