Roman Adventures: Britons Season One Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides

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General Tips:
- Use mouse to drag the map and find more places.
- Berry bush can give you 1 food.
- Hen house can give you 3 foods.
- Get boards or timbers from the abandoned storage.
- Tower can dispel the fog.
- Use manna to clear the root of the filth.
- You can pull the weeds and free up the space.
- Fort unlocks more territory than the tower, but it takes one worker.
- Altar of Earth: will reward you with necessary artifacts.
- Altar of Water: paves the way on the water.
- Altar of Fog: help you open a new territory.
- Save Altar: allows you to save progress on the level.
- Worker's house can give more workers.
- You can find special items in chests or altars.
- Guard tower is our main tool to expand our territory.
- Build woodcutter house let you chop the trees and gain timbers.
- Cobbler's shop can accelerates the movement of workers.
Detailed Levels:
Level 1: Follow the tutorials to finish this level. You need to clear 5 roots of the filth.
Level 2: Build a hen house and collect timbers, then build a sawmill to get boards. Repair the bridges, repair the wood tower, clear the road. Explore the map and find the roots of the filth, get rid of the roots, then build the guard tower. Repair the altar of fog and altar of earth, open the gate, and collect the mannas, the last chest located in the little land can give you more mannas.
Level 3: Build hen house and woodcutter house, then build a sawmill, collect the fruits and mannas, then attack the roots and repair the altar of earth. Use key open the gate, build the guard tower, repair the wood tower, build a worker house to hire more workers. Demolish the woodcutter house, Collect resource and build towers, then go to the right island, attack the roots and pay 80 boards to npc, then get mannas and attack the roots. Repair the tower and collect the mushrooms. See below picture for the last mushroom. Send mushrooms to npc and get global of light, then go to prayer stone.
Level 4: Build hen house, woodcutter house, sawmill and worker house. Collect resources and repair the altar of fog, attack the roots, collect resource and clear the road, then attack more roots, repair the altar of fog, build guard tower, collect the global of light, build tower to expansion the territory. Build cobbler's shop, demolish the old woodcutter house and build a new one nearest the forest. Break up the big rock and attach the roots, then the level is finished.
Level 5: Build hen house, woodcutter house, sawmill and worker house. Collect foods from fruit and build the guard tower. Don't forget to upgrade your buildings. Build stonecutter, build cobbler's shop to accelerates the workers, you can get golds from the chest located in the cave, then build guard tower, collect the mushrooms and pay npc then repair the bridge. Heavenly stone is located in the little island. Repair the altar in the crowd of npcs. Attack the last roots.
Level 6: Collect foods from fruit, then open the gate and build hen houses, upgrade them, build woodcutter house, sawmill, click the key near the npc then open the left gate in the bottom screen, then build a granite mine. Destroy the spider nest and get the golden key and open the gate. Build a stonecutter, Get coins from the altar of offerings, then get the yellow crystal. Click first 2 altar of offerings at the downstair and go to the right side, get the yellow crystal and key. open the gate and get the seed of light, use it on the web, light up all altar of offerings and get the key, open the gate, attack the roots and get yellow crytal, give crystals to npc and get mannas, then attack the last roots. See below screenshots:
- Roman Adventures: Britons Season One Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks
- Roman Adventures: Britons Season One Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks Part 2
- Roman Adventures: Britons Season One Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks Part 3
- Roman Adventures: Britons Season One Caches Locations
- Roman Adventures: Britons Season One Free Download
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