Roman Adventures: Britons. Season Two Walkthrough, Guides and Tips Part 3

Level 15: build all your buildings and collect manas, repair the bridges and destroy flowers of the filth, some flowers protected by the spider web, first flower is in the left beside the beast bone, continue uncover the fog and collect the red crystals, collect flowers, do not miss any manas, see below screenshots:
Level 16: build all your neccessary buildings and collect manas, finish your tasks and repair the building to uncover the fog, this level is simple, see below screenshots:
Level 17: build all your neccessary buildings and repair the bridges lead to other part, collect raido runes and use them, build guard towers and don't forge to upgrade them so that uncover more fog, collect manas and attack evil roots and other totems, get the seed of light and destroy the spider web, don't forege to use the altar of time to frozen the timer, collect the red crystal from the top right corner and use it to destroy the tree of death, see below screenshots:
Level 18: build all your neccessary buildings and repair the bridges, build the guard tower to uncover more fog, collect manas and attak the evil roots, go right and repair the bridge, then break out the big round stone to enter the cave, destroy the spider web and get the raido rune then go to the left and put the rune to altar of the runes, build the farm and tower, upgrade the tower, build the bridges and go to the top center, get the rune key, the unlock the stone door, get the raido rune, use the rune on the last altar of runes to uncover all black fogs, destroy the globe of evil to complete the level, see below screenshots:
Level 19: build all your neccessary buildings and upgrade them, collect your first rune and use it to uncove the fog, build guard tower and upgrade it, go to the bottom and go right island, then build the bridge and guard tower, collect resources and manas attack the evil roots. In this level, you need build bridges and guard towers sothat uncover the fog. If you do not know the rune stone's position, you can click the icon on the right side, then you will be move there, the last rune stone is in the bottom right corner below your guard tower, see below screenshots:
Level 20: build all your neccessary buildings and upgrade them, go top from the left island, build the tower and uprade it to uncover the fog, then get the rune use it, build the second tower and get another rune, breakout the large rocks, from the top go the right island use the runes and repair the bridges, get the LUGH's spear from the middle island, get runes and use it, repair several little bridges, exchange the seed of light and destroy the spider web, destroy the five altar of filth, collect 4 red crystal and give them to the right bottom corner, attack all of the evil roots, finished all of these tasks then the globe of evil will be destroyed and you will find the rune key, collect 200 mannas before you open the door, then attack the BALOR, see below screenshots:
Level 21: You need to complete all of the other levels with the expert rewards to unlock this bonus level. Firstly, build all your neccessary buildings and upgrade them, break out the large rock in the road and build the tower, then collect mushrooms and red crystals, open the gate with the silver key, go to the right part and get the azurite key, open the gate to right cave, the last two mushroom is in the top left corner, you need to break out a stone and go through a cave, get the rune from the bottom cave and collect all of the red crystals, give them to the druid, get the last blue flower, see below screenshots:
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