Solitaire Dragon Light

Solitaire Dragon Light:
Haha! The humans are so patheticthat when I burned their village they all fled in different directions! They didn't even resist! Welcome! You have burned down my village, and so I have put a curse on you. If you want to lift it you will need to put everything back the way it was before.
Do you even know who you're dealing with, samll fry? I'm the strongest and mightiest in the world! And you dare threaten me with some sort of curse? Just take a look at your scales. They're covered in yellow spots. My curse is taking effect. Fine, you win! But all you'll get from me will be resources for building new houses; and I need Echinacea herb from you.
Done, but I'll go with you to show you where the herb is, and to monitor the curse. That way you'll definitely keep your promise!
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